Boston Dialog Foundation & Bosnian Community Center & North East Islamic Community Center Organized Weekend school graduation program in Boston. All students were very happy and they sang songs and threnodies with everybody. in Also Their parents were happy and their childre
Continue Reading →North East Islamic Community Center is deeply saddened by the mining disaster that occurred in Soma, Turkey on Tuesday. Unfortunately, mining explosion caused hundreds of death and left many others injured. Hundreds more were still believed to be trapped in the mine. The bodies are ca
Continue Reading →The month of Recep, which is accepted as one of the three holy months by Muslims around the world, started last Thursday.
Continue Reading →Each deed or effect shows that its Author produces all deeds or effects. Each act of invention proves that all acts of invention belong to its Inventor. Each Name manifesting in creation points out that all Names manifesting in the universe belong to the same Being to Whom it also bel
Continue Reading →From this continuous, wise and imperious activity, the deeds of an All-Powerful and All-Knowing Doer can be discerned… There appears visible to our eye a comprehensive, permanent, orderly and awesome truth, one that changes, transforms, and renews all beings in heaven and on ear
Continue Reading →Beauties in creation are indications of the Eternal, Sacred Beauty The beauty of a finely worked object points to the beauty of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the craftsmanship points to the beauty of the name which was the source of the craftsmanship. The beauty of the name of the
Continue Reading →On nature or refuting naturalistic atheism A reminder The way of disbelieving naturalists is extremely irrational and based on superstitious beliefs. But why are such famous, intelligent naturalist philosophers able to accept such an obviously superstitious way of thought? The fact
Continue Reading →And North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized a community meeting in Boston.
Continue Reading →(al-)Abad: Eternity in the future (al-)Azal: Eternity in the past (al-)‘Abd: The servant; the servant of God by creation; the servant of God who beliefs in and worships Him (al-)‘Adhāb: Punishment. The Qur’ān uses seven different names for the places or types of punishment in the Her
Continue Reading →According to the religious methodology or the basic principles of religion, God’s Attributes consist of certain transcending and blessed concepts—whose transcendence and blessedness come from the Being Whom they describe; these de scribe God Almighty and are, in one sense, regarded as
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