There are twelve compulsory conditions of performing the prayer. Six of which are prior to the prayer (click for more details…) The six acts are compulsory prior to the prayer are the actions necessary to perform worship. These are called the “Conditions of Prayer.&
1. Purification From Hadath (Ritual Impurities) Before the prayer(salah), a person must be purified of ritual impurities known ashadath, which prevents the person from performing worship. This is done by performing ablution before the prayer or by performing ghusl(bathing) when in a s
1. Takbiratul Iftitah (Opening Takbir) Takbiratul iftitah, or the opening takbir, is proclaiming God’s name by reciting “Allahu Akbar” at the beginning of the prayer. The intention for the prayer must be made before the opening takbir is pronounced, and the takbir mu
Steps 1. Prepare for prayer. Preparing for prayer includes cleaning yourself, wearing clean clothes, and finding a clean and pure place to pray. Perform the Wudu, or the Ghusal, depending on your requirement. You must perform the Ghusl if you have had sexual intercourse, after