Compilation of the Qur’an

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Q: Can the compilation of the Qur’an explain its miraculousness?

The Qur’an descended over a relatively long period of time, that is, 23 years; it was often revealed upon various occasions or incidents, when there was a need for divine guidance, as a response to either an inquiry, for the solution of an issue, or to correct a misunderstanding, or for a number of other reasons. Despite the length of the Qur’an or that it was revealed for various reasons, at various times or in various places, there are no discrepancies or contradictions in it; this fact clearly proves that the Qur’an is the Word of God and that it brings together all its many elements harmoniously is only a miracle of the Qur’an. If, for instance, we take Sura Baqara, although it was revealed over a long period of time, in total on 80 separate occasions, it appears to have been revealed all at once due to the close interrelation of the subject matter of the verses. We may consider the same, also, for other chapters and verses of the Qur’an. If the Qur’an is approached from this standpoint, it does indeed appear as if it descended all at once, despite being revealed in parts at different times. This is a feature peculiar to the Qur’an and cannot possibly be attributed in any other literary work. Whenever a verse or a group of verses was revealed, the Prophet would carefully dictate the contents and instruct the scribes where these were to be placed in relation to other verses and chapters. The arrangement of chapters and verses is not according to the order of their revelation. There are a number of individual chapters that were revealed all at once while others were revealed in stages. Also, in the Qur’an there are verses that were revealed earlier but were put after other verses in accordance with

divine instruction. So, the fact that the Qur’an reflects utmost harmony and integrity, as if it were revealed all at once, shows that there was a miracle according to its method of compilation.



Akgul, Muhittin (2009). The Quran in 99 Questions (Abdullah Erdemli Trans.). New Jersey: Tughra Books. (Originally published in Turkish as Kur’an İklimine Seyahat)