Frequent repetitions in the Qur’an

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Q: What is the divine wisdom behind the frequent repetitions in the Qur’an?

Human beings dislike repetition, no matter what is being repeated, whether it is the reiteration of words or having the same kind of food every day, even if it is something that they are very fond of. Likewise, people do not enjoy reading texts that are repetitious. If something is repeatedly mentioned in a poem, story, or novel it causes weariness and even makes the reader fed up. If the repeated thing is composed of the same sentences, then, it becomes inevitable that one will become very bored. However, this is not the case with the repetitions in the Qur’an.

Important matters which require our serious attention are repeated frequently in the Qur’an in such a way that they penetrate the life of all sorts of people, from those who are arrogant to the more retiring; these repetitions make them feel connected with the Qur’an, thus producing a feeling of peace and serenity on the reader. One of the best and most beautiful examples of this is that the Qur’an frequently utilizes repetitions, speaking of the same matter sometimes with a clear expression, sometimes with allusions, sometimes briefly, or sometimes in great detail; this repetition emphasizes and produces acceptance of the belief in the Divine Oneness and cures the spiritual illness of polytheism. Certain sentences, words and stories have been mentioned repeatedly in different parts of the Qur’an. All such instances of repetition are made with a definite aim and target, and they are never boring to the reader. With each repetition, the reader or listener is aware of different sentiments. The oneness and unity of God, for instance, is

repeatedly mentioned, sometimes even in the very same verse; however, each time a different aspect of it is taken into consideration. Sometimes a certain aspect is dealt with in length while another is only mentioned briefly; sometimes we are presented with proof of the true faith, while at other times we are given a parable. The repetitions in the Qur’an have different styles in keeping with the purpose they are intended to serve. One such aim is to reinforce or intensify the message that is being conveyed and to influence the listener. In order to provide reinforcement, for instance, the same expression is repeated twice in, “No indeed! You will surely come to understand (when death comes to you). Again, no indeed!

You will surely come to understand it (when you are raised from the dead)” (Takathur 102:3-4).The Qur’an also deters with warnings. By repeating the same expression twice in the verse, “What enables you to perceive what the Day of Judgment is? Again: What is it that enables you to perceive what the Day of Judgment is? ” (Infitar 82:17-18), the Qur’an intends to indicate that the Day of Judgment is such a serious subject, that the magnitude and horror of the doomsday is so great, that a feeling of awe is instilled in the heart of those who are being addressed. The following verse may be given as a further example of this: “The sudden, mighty strike! What is the sudden, mighty strike? What enables you to perceive what the sudden, mighty strike is? ” (Qari’a 101:1-3).

The term qari’a, after which Sura Qari’a is named, is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection and is repeated here in the verse to raise a sense of awe about the dreadful occurrences on the Day of Resurrection. Another aim of such repetitions is to amaze and astound the reader/listener. The following verse is an example of this: The repeated words in, “He pondered and he calculated (how he could disprove the Qur’ān in people’s sight). Be away from God’s mercy, how he calculated! Yea, may God preserve him from the evil eye! How he calculated! ” (Muddatthir 74:18-20) are, in fact, depicting the actions of a person, and it is as if a picture or even a snapshots has been made. First, this person pondered and then he plotted. He is afterwards cursed by divine ordinance: “Be away from God’s mercy” and is ridiculed by the description, “Yea, may God preserve him from the evil eye! ” The original of the initial phrases in these last two sentences, namely “Be away from God’s mercy” and “Yea, may God preserve him from the evil eye! ” is qutila, which has the meaning of both being removed from something and being protected against something. Its usage in the second case is figurative and derisive, and is telling us how badly this action was preformed to demonstrate how deserving this person was of the divine curse.

Another aim of the repetition in the Qur’an is to openly warn people and to receive a favorable response from the addressee. The Qur’an sometimes repeats certain words in the very same sentence or in two related sentences to heighten the awareness of its audience. We can mention the verses, “And the one who believed said (continuing his warnings): ‘O my people! Follow me so that I may guide you to the way of right guidance. O my people! The life of this world is but a (passing) enjoyment, while the Hereafter – that is indeed the home of permanence’”

(Mu’min 40:38-39) as an example of this. The expression, “O my people” is repeated twice at the beginning of both verses, attracting the attention of the audience so that they will carefully listen to the message. Another aim is to remind us of the core idea if the preceding sentences are lengthy. In such cases it is possible for the reader/listener to have forgotten what was mentioned before or their attention or focus may have wandered. Certain words are repeated in the middle or at the end of sentences to avoid this case, as in the following verses: Then indeed your Lord is – to those who do evil in ignorance (as a result of failing to counter the prompting of the evil-commanding soul), and then repent (soon as they realize what they have done is wrong) and mend their ways and conduct – indeed your Lord is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate (with special mercy toward His penitent servants). (Nahl 16:119) (Remember) when God took a covenant from those who were given the Book: “You shall make clear to the people (the whole truth of all that is in) the Book (including mention of the Last, promised Prophet), and not conceal it.” But they paid no heed to it, flinging it behind their backs, and sold it for a trifling price (such as worldly advantage and position, status and renown).

How evil a bargain they made! Never suppose that those who rejoice in what they have thus contrived, and who love to be (famed and) praised for what they have not achieved (such as being devout and pious and defenders of God’s law) – never suppose that they have saved themselves from the punishment: for them is a painful punishment. (Al Imran 3:187-8) Another aim of such repetitions is to re-express the meaning that is related to the repeat. We also see that certain sentences or verses in the Qur’an have been repeated at certain intervals within the same chapter. Such repetition is neither unnecessary nor purposeless; rather, each one has a different goal. Each and every instance of repetition relates itself to a situation that is different to that of the previous one. For instance, the expression: “Then, (O humankind and jinn) which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? ” is repeated 31 times in Sura Rahman. Each repetition is mentioned after a divine favor is described, and the intention is to remind both human beings and jinn of these divine favors and that they should show their thanksgiving to their Almighty Creator and not forget their duties as God’s servants.

Likewise, in Sura Mursalat, the expression: “Woe on that Day to those who deny! ” is repeated ten times. The meaning of each matter that is explained prior to the repetition of this expression should be taken into consideration to better understand the context. For instance, the first repetition is speaking of the Day of Judgment, the second repetition is associated with the torment that sinners will receive, the third repetition is concerned with God’s Knowledge and Power, while the fourth tells us that humankind is needy and has limited power whereas Divine Power encompasses everything, and so on. As has been clearly set out and explained until now, certain expressions are repeated in the Holy Qur’an. Such repetition might consist of words or sentences, but in all cases, the repetitions are made with a certain aim or purpose, not because there is a paucity of alternative words or sentences. Moreover, repetition influences the listener/reader to a greater degree. With this method the Qur’an aims to perfectly instruct and educate those whom it corrected, to train its students with the affection of a guide and to better convey the information that they need.


Akgul, Muhittin (2009). The Quran in 99 Questions (Abdullah Erdemli Trans.). New Jersey: Tughra Books. (Originally published in Turkish as Kur’an İklimine Seyahat)