How The Qur’an was revealed

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Was each and every verse or chapter of the Qur’an revealed in connection with a certain occasion?

As previously explained, the Qur’an was revealed in parts to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, over a period of 23 years. Each verse that was revealed had a certain aim and purpose. The sum total of all these reasons and purposes was to secure the happiness and prosperity of humanity both in this world and in the Hereafter. Although this was the general and overall purpose of the Revelation, there were also verses and/or chapters that were revealed for particular reasons, in connection with certain cases, questions or to remove doubts, solve problems etc. However, it must be clarified that the entire Qur’an was not revealed in connection with the above-mentioned reasons. Even the first chapters and/or verses to be revealed were not connected with similar causes. Many such verses were concerned with the relations of various Prophets with their communities, certain events in the remote past or in the distant future, the Day of Judgment, Heaven and Hell or other similar subjects. On the other hand, many of the verses pertain to judgments and morals that were revealed in connection with the circumstances leading up to a revelation or in which particular verses were revealed, known as the asbab al-nuzul (causes of revelation); such verses are directed towards the transformation of social life. With such verses one must be aware of the circumstances of revelation in order to understand the
legislative principles accurately. The time and location of revelation in other verses, for the most part consisting of the stories of bygone nations, are not so important and it is not necessary to be aware of the circumstances of their revelation to understand them correctly.


Akgul, Muhittin (2009). The Quran in 99 Questions (Abdullah Erdemli Trans.). New Jersey: Tughra Books. (Originally published in Turkish as Kur’an İklimine Seyahat)