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Following the interregnum era, once again the revelations of guidance and light began to ascend. During the fourth year of Prophethood, after the secret call to faith which lasted almost three years, the numbers embracing Islam began to increase. This alarmed the polytheists immensely, they did not know what to do.

Whenever the noble Prophet meets the members of the Quraysh, he would recite the Qur’an and mention the Name of Allah. The members of the Quraysh were enchanted by the melodious tone and gentle sound of the Qur’an, so the disobedient ones covered their ears so they would not hear its recitation.

The leaders of the Quraysh meet frequently, they spoke about the Prophet and the revelations that were sent to him and tried to find a way to prevent the people from listening to the recitation of the Holy Scripts.

On one occasion, they meet yet again, one of the leaders said “What was revealed to him was magic.” One of the others said “This is not magic this is poetry,” and another of the leaders said “This is neither magic nor poetry, it is soothsaying.”

Walid ibn Mughira joined the argument “If you say he is possessed, he has no signs of being possessed, if you say he is a soothsayer, we have seen soothsayers, If you say he poet, we know poetry in all forms. By  Allah, his speech is so sweet that whatever you say will be in vain. The nearest thing to the truth is saying he is a sorcerer.” The Hajj season had arrived, and the Prophet would stand on the roadside reciting the Qur’an and declaring the Word of Allah in an attempt of inviting the envoys to Islam. The Quraysh continuously followed the Prophet, and whenever he began to convey the Word of Allah to the Arabs who came from afar, they would immediately surround him and warn the Arabs to ignore him and not be influenced by his words of magic.

However, when Allah wills, He creates the means and nothing can  prevent this from happening.

As a result of these acts of sabotage the Qurayshi leaders resorted to attempting to prevent the people from listening to the Qur’an, this induced their curiosity and led them to show even greater interest in the Prophet’s words. These groups began to convey the Qur’an and Islam, and before long news of the Messenger of Allah had spread throughout the entire   Arabian Peninsula. The people were speaking of the arrival of the Prophet in every corner of the region. The result of the hypocrite’s objectives was much different than they had previously anticipated.


Akgul, Muhittin. Tafsir: An Introduction to Qur’anic Exegesis. Tughra Books Press, Inc. 2013