The Cultural Center of Long Island hosted a very pleasant social gathering event to their friends and families. Families from different cultural background enjoyed having a Traditional Turkish Breakfast. As everyone had fun discovering wide range of Turkish breakfast dishes, the atm
Continue Reading →North East Islamic Community Center hosted the “The Miracle of Birth” seminar in Sunnyside NY on April 3rd, 2016 Saturday evening.The distinguished speaker, Dr. Zehra Tekin, talked about “The Miracle of Birth”. Dr. Tekin works as a resident in Internal Medicine Department of Queens
Continue Reading →North East Islamic Community Center Upstate Rochester Branch and Turkish Cultural Center of Rochester organized Welcome to Spring Breakfast to gather community together in warm and cozy atmosphere. Along with delicious breakfast people had chance to interact with sincere conversation.
Continue Reading →NEICC (North East Islamic Community Center) and TCCR (Turkish Cultural Center of Rochester) co-sponsored 2nd annual Siyer Fair on February 27 of 2016. NEICC sponsored weekend school students at Turkish Cultural Center Rochester from pre-k through fifth graders. There are over thirty
Continue Reading →NEICC hosted the “Women in Islam” seminar in Sunnyside NY on Feb 20, 2016 Saturday evening. The distinguished speaker, Dr. Nuray Yurt, started off the conversation with the historical background of the rights of women in various parts of the world in pre- and post-Islamic era. She the
Continue Reading →West Haven and Hardfort Connecticut are bringing new attractions to the Turkish Cultural Centers. The Turkish Cultural Center has partnered with North East Islamic Community (NEICC) in organizing an after school program that students find educating and enjoyable. It is held 4 days a w
Continue Reading →NEICC (North East Islamic Community Center) is where the fun phenomenon does happen. During the week there are events for the adults. During the weekend we have Quran classes for kids. They start learning from Alif-ba playing games with the letters so they retain information, and expa
Continue Reading →North East Islamic Community Center organized Social Family Brunch at NEICC Brooklyn Main Office. It was a social gathering event with friends and families from all walks of life. The participants enjoyed the multicultural food and had an opportunity to meet one another. After the bru
Continue Reading →NEICC (North East Islamic Community Center) is dedicated to promote Islamic culture in diverse cultural setting in the United States. To promote a better understanding of Muslim beliefs, culture and social life NEICC organizes Quran Classes for kids on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday from
Continue Reading →TCC Queens opened its doors to yet another warm and welcoming event. It was a social gathering breakfast with the community. Friends and families from very different backgrounds joined the event. As everyone enjoyed having a Turkish breakfast with Turkish tea and pastries, the atmosph
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